Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weekend recap

This weekend went by entirely too fast and was pretty much void of grown up activities. My cold is still in full force and I would much rather have stayed home and washed down cold pills with Chardonnay but what is a mommy supposed to do?

I do want to preface this by saying that Pierce came into our room at 6:01 this morning and proudly announced that he waited till the clock said 6 at the FRONT to wake us up. Next project...move to 7.

Yesterday was my office's annual children's Christmas party. They do a really realllllly good job with this. The "Santa" that we are assigned to (who are employees and not Pervy Mall Santas) will usually email you asking what they should bring up with your kids (transformers/Mickey Mouse) to you know...keep it real. You also are assigned a time so you don't have to wait in line with other snot nosed kids like when you see Pervy Mall Santa.

So, let's take a trip down memory lane to LAST year's Christmas party.

I think it is safe to say that Mallory was not impressed. Mother of the Year that I am however I threw her up there anyways to get my picture. Scrapbook moms don't screw around when it comes to must have shots like Santa visits.

Back to this year. I was flying solo since Joe had to work this weekend....Mallory has been somewhat interested in Santa this year so I had hopes that maybe I would not need to feel like a child abuser.

SUCCESS! Fritos in no way paid for this advertising.

There was also a guy there called Iguana Bob, or Rob (can you tell I paid attention?) that had all sorts of nasty things like a big ass millipede, a tarantula a tiny little alligator....and no iguana. The kids thought he was pretty cool.
After the party we had to head to a birthday party for Pierce's girlfriend ( nap for me yesterday) While we were there we were blessed with our first real snow of the year and people lost their damn minds when it came to driving. What should have taken me 20 minutes to get home took me an hour. Oh, and the kicker....the only grown up activity scheduled for the weekend (dinner with Joe's work peeps)was cancelled due to bad roads.
Today we headed out to the base for Joe's Christmas party. I scored a bottle of wine in the gift exchange (you know I never did give Joe the choice to pick a gift....Wife AND Mother of the Year)we hung around in the hanger for awhile letting the kids see a military plane, helicopter and jump on some inflatable stuff and then home we came so I could score that nap (with Mallory) that I missed yesterday. Tonight after the kids go to bed, Joe and I are going to watch Stepbrothers (funniest movie EVER) and get some Thai takeout and maybe I will crack open that bottle of wine...okay, probably.

7 people fed my need for attention:


Hmmm...could those Fritos have been a bribe?? Lol!


Gotta love a good bottle of wine! Us mom's have got to keep our sanity some how right!?!

Marshmallow Circus

he he, I need to try the fritos bribe to get our santa pic! I am sooo jealous of anyone who can drink wine right now. :)


How fun! Looks like a great party... I miss taking pictures of Santa... we have no malls here nor mall santas...but every once in a while Eva says she sees Santa in the woods.... (C R E E P Y )

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum

Aww, this years Santa pic came out so cute.


Very cute kids.

Thank you for your kind comment during this trying time. :o)

It was much appreciated.

Danyele Easterhaus

so here's something i have learned with 4 girls: i will do anything for good food, and so will they!n way to go mom!!! thx for stopping by my blog today!

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