Friday, April 2, 2010

Horny Geese Suck

Not sure there is much else to say when you get an email from your place of employment that says the following

A goose is nesting near the pond path. There have been some reports that the goose’s mate is acting in an aggressive nature toward people walking on or near the path. Until further notice please do not walk on the pond path.

I refuse to be a victim

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6 people fed my need for attention:

Kristina P.

YOu have all the luck, don't you!


How funny! There is a huge duck pond behind my office, so I have to deal with this every Spring. It's kind of funny really, but those geese can get pretty mean.


Hey! Happy Easter! Check out the giveaway on my blog, Dani's Daily Drop - I'm giving away a beanbag chair!


Walk softly and carry a BIG stick!


that's awesome! humans have to be inconvenienced because of those asshat geese. i say you go stealth one night after hours and take them all out.



i haven't popped over in abit to say "hi" and see how things are in your part of blogasphere... hysterical once we took our older daughte to a petting zoo and a huge goose just quacked and quacked at my husband and practically ran him away! it was hysterical!
shelley :)

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