Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, November 21, 2011
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Congratulations Amanda!!! Random # generator kicked up numero 4 and that was YOU. Shoot me an email at with and I will let you know how to claim your prize!
musings by Cammie at 8:12 PM 0 people fed my need for attention
Labels: scrapbooking
Saturday, November 12, 2011
My Memories Suite- Digital Scrapbook software giveaway!
I have been a scrapbooker before I even knew that is what I was doing. I had always loved to put my pictures in albums with cute sayings or stickers and over the years my hobby developed into an actual craft.
When digital scrapbooking came into play I never thought I would get into it. I thought it was cheating actually. To me the point of scrapbooking was all of the awesome embellishments that went into it. I've learned my lesson this past week! My Memories Suite is the #1 rated digital scrapbook software. It is so easy to use that even a total novice to digital scrapbooking (ahem, ME) can use it and make awesome pages. You can make individual pages from scratch, or choose from TONS of different designer templates. There are so many different papers and embellishments to choose from that I was totally overwhelmed. In a good way
Once you create your masterpiece there are about a billion different ways to share it. You can print the pages. You can have them professionally printed and put into hardbound books. Turn it into a movie for a DVD or even your iPod. Add music, add video, seriously, add the kitchen sink.
I had SO much fun playing with this software that I finally had to just STOP and write this review.
Probably my favorite thing about using a digital program was how easy it was for me to throw some GOOD pages together. Over the years of having kids I have found that my hobby took a back burner because getting my stuff out, or packing it up to go somewhere just took too long. Playing with this program the past week......I did so while sitting on the couch, catching up on DVR and still spending time with the husband. I never had to worry about not having something that I needed because I was either using already put together kits, or just finding cute stuff on the website. The program itself is priced WAY less than it should be, and adding on extra stuff is only a few bucks. There is also TONS of free stuff to add into the program. I used a lot of those kits too. All that and no mess to clean up? Yes please.
So I'm going to share some of the pages I made...and THEN I'm going to tell you how to WIN a full copy of the software for yourself!! I like to share.
The first thing I tried was to make a few pages from scratch. Mallory at the beach last year, and then just one of my favorite pictures of her from a few years ago. Simple but still cute.

Then I tried a few coordinating pages. These ones took me like 2 minutes....added pics, added some text and that was all. The pages were already done, I just had to drag my pictures in.

OK, here is the part you are waiting for. HOW to enter to win. Go to My Memories Suite and look around. Come back and leave me a comment telling me which kit you like the best. Easy!
Want extra entries? Follow the My Memories Blog, Like their Facebook page or follow them on their Twitter. Post a link to THIS post on your blog for another entry. Just leave me a separate entry for each "extra"
One last thing! In addition to giving a full program to one of my readers, My Memories Suite has also given me a code to share with you for $10 off the purchase of the program, and $10 additional in store credit....hey, you cant ALL win the entire program. Should you not be the lucky winner, and you still want to buy the program just enter STMMMS1186 at checkout for $10 off and $10 in store credit
This giveaway will end on 11/20/11
musings by Cammie at 8:24 PM 5 people fed my need for attention
Labels: scrapbooking
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
On the second day of kindergarten my brother said to me......
"Mallory.....when you see me in the hall way.....pretend that you dont"
It is going to be a loooooong 10 years
oh, and HELLO, anyone still out there? I really need to start using this thing again to keep track of all the awesomeness that I am sure will come out of having 2 kids in the same school again. Good times I say. Good times.

musings by Cammie at 8:15 AM 2 people fed my need for attention
Labels: crazy stuff my kids say
Thursday, March 10, 2011
But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land
Have you heard of this guy?
He thinks he is Peter Pan. For realz. This "boy" dances around the United States dressed like Peter Pan and he even married Tinker Bell which if you really think about it is kind of creepy
Last November while at the airport picking up some of my besties for another weekend of sinning the following transpired
Joe comes up to me after going to get a cup of coffee and informs me that he just saw Robin Hood. In our airport. I looked at him like he was stupid and he kept insisting that he saw Robin Hood. A guy dressed in a Renaissance looking get up complete with tights.
Now I have actually HEARD of this guy before through a friend of mine but quickly burned the image from my brain and never thought of him again. Unlike my friend Kelly who was in town from Long Island and immediately knew it HAD to be the Peter Pan guy. Right, because Columbus does not have it's own fair share of freaks in tights?
so like the assholes we are we tore off in the direction Joe saw him. He was not hard to find. And like the asshole I am I went right up to him and asked him if he was that "guy from the Internet" to which he replied "I am that boy". I am not exaggerating when I say he look beat up. Like he had had a rough night with the other lost boys the night before. His endeavour to not grow up was failing because Randy Pan looked OLD
But instead of (verbally) judging him I did what any other person who do if they met Peter Pan at the airport. I asked for a picture.
Sadly for Kelly and I, he was all out of pixie dust
musings by Cammie at 11:00 AM 5 people fed my need for attention
Labels: BFFs, can you believe this crap happens to me?, Joe
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
So I want to get back to this. I really do. I actually had a friend email me this week and ask where the hell I have been. I don't usually have trouble finding SOMETHING to talk about. Verbal diarrhea has always come quite easy to me. I see I still have almost 200 followers but how many of them are actually keeping up with me via reader? I don't blame the ones that left, hello.....Ive been BORING. So, I will try and kick this back into gear. I go.......
musings by Cammie at 9:57 AM 9 people fed my need for attention
Labels: blogging
Friday, October 29, 2010
How my 4 year old got crabs
Last week at dance class Mallory got crabs.
This conversation may be less funny in say 12 years but last week it was pretty funny. Every week after dance if the girls are good they get stamps on their hands. Last week while I enjoyed 60 minutes of uninterrupted kindle time payed close attention to my little ballerina she did an excellent job.
She came running out of class with a smile on her face and announced......Mommy, I got crabs!!! Instantly another little girl proclaimed "I got crabs too!!!!" Mallory then announced as loud as could be....."We ALL got crabs in dance class"
Sure enough, on each little hand was a big old smily crab stamp. While the moms in the lobby tried not to die laughing the little girls girls just smiled away about the crabs they got in dance class.
musings by Cammie at 10:01 PM 3 people fed my need for attention
Labels: crazy stuff my kids say